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Caden: Belated 9 month update!

I have probably said this at every stage of Caden's life, but I have officially decided up to this point, this is my favorite age! (6-9 months so far really!) Little man is  "moving and a shaking" as the saying goes. He is keeping us on the move ourselves, but we love it. Caden really is such a joy in our life with a high-energy, people-loving, sweet spirit about him.

In case you haven't noticed, Caden is a big boy. I am pretty certain I have not been into a public place in which a stranger does not comment on his size...."Mommy is feeding you well"....."You are just starving him aren't you?!"...."I bet you are giving mommy a workout" many more phrases! Some people have asked me if it hurts my feelings that people comment about Caden in this way-NO WAY! I love a healthy and big baby boy! His 9 month checkup proved he is still on a rapid rate of growth, but percentile-wise he is not "off the charts" as he was before. At 9 months, Caden weighed in at 23 LB 5 OZ and was 29.5 IN long. I am thankful for my arm exercise. (My right arm is significantly more toned and stronger than my left!)

Caden still nurses but is now eating finger foods. A LOT of finger foods. The pediatrician gave the green light on feeding him finger foods and leaning away from purees (of which I am not grieving)....and this was not a slow transition. He doesn't want ANY pureed form of anything now. He is very demanding in his mealtime now!

Caden loves so many things now, I don't even know if I can list it all but some of the highlights....

-LOVES cruising and crawling-the little guy is so fast especially when he thinks I'm coming after him!
-mommy and daddy's shoes are his favorite toy items unfortunately!
-stroller rides-we usually get to go walking outside 1-2 times a week weather permitting. I'll be glad for warmer weather so we can have our daily walks!
-Eating. Not kidding. He talks more in his highchair, claps his hands, and smiles in this spot more than any other. He LOVES meat and black beans probably more than anything. He really loves sweet potatoes, strawberries, bananas (and pretty much any fruit). He also loves crackers and puffs-which I am trying to give him sparingly but it is hard sometimes!
-Exploring everywhere-he joins me in the kitchen daily.
-Johnny jump up is still a this point he gets bored with the jumping and maneuvers it more as a swing. (I can't wait for it to warm up enough to take him to the park.)
-"WAAA, WAAA....and BAAA, BAAA" are his constant babblings. Sometimes we think he is trying to say "ball" or "water" but not so sure at this point. Brett claims he has said "da-da" but I have yet to hear it. :)
-Speaking of ball-he LOVES to play ball with daddy. He gets so excited if he sees a ball and "chases" after it and does his version of throwing. Needless to say-Brett is so excited about this.
-His favorite books are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"....and "Good Night Moon." I love reading with him so much because he seems to really enjoy it and with these specific books is very interactive.
-He loves dogs....especially Max our pup. (Which is unfortunate because we are having to find him a new home soon because of circumstances!) He laughs at Max all the time and pulls on his tail and just watches him for a long time.
-Bath time is also still one of his favorite activities. He is so active in the tub-I cannot wait to swim with him this summer!
-He seems to enjoy interacting with other babies now...but especially kids who are a little older than him. It seems as if we are entering into true play dates now and not just sitting babies next to each other and taking cute pictures!
-He loves his "LOVEY". He has never been a paci-baby, but he cuddles with his lovey now and sucks on it to go to sleep.
-Loves PLAYING with daddy and CUDDLING with mommy.

Caden is down to 2 naps now...approx. 2 hours long give or take some time! We usually don't get him out of his crib until 7-7:30 AM. I say get him out of his crib because we NEVER have to wake him up. I'm not sure where he gets his early rising tendencies from, but they didn't come from me.

Little man has 3.5 teeth. .5 being it is clearly coming in but not exactly visible yet!

Caden currently HATES....

-Nursery or childcare anything....or anything else where I am not in his sight. He is a little momma's boy right now. I'm sure it won't last forever and it is a little stressful that he freaks out if I am not holding him or by his side, but I can't say I'm complaining. :)
-Diaper and clothes changing. HATES it. And now I hate it as a result...
-When I take away his toy or keep him from going in a direction he wants to go. (i.e. climbing a lamp in his room!)

Cute montly sticker pictures are still cute, but not exactly easy....

Now on to birthday party planning, because it will be here before we know it!