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Little Man is ONE.

Caden is one. Yep. One. One doesn't really seem like a lot of time relatively speaking, but it sure seems like more has happened this year than any other! We are so crazy about this little guy! I am thankful for the precious gift Jesus has entrusted us with-what an incredible blessing and joy little man is!

We were able to celebrate with many family and friends this past Saturday. His 1st birthday party was so fun! So many of the "guests" were friends and family who met him day one in the hospital-making it extra special!

We had his party at Brett's parents house because it is bigger and because they have a beautiful backyard (of which was not available this particular Saturday due to the rain!) I have great in-laws for letting us host it there!

I really enjoyed planning and crafting for his party. I know he won't remember it per say, but I want to make each birthday special and hopefully he can look back and know how special he is daily but also that we make a point to celebrate his life on his special day. Thank you PINTEREST for the ideas. :) (Prepare for lots of pictures to come!)

I stole the idea to print pictures as invitations from my friend Alicia. So much cheaper and I can send out to extended family etc. to have a little picture update of the little man! Thanks to the very talented BethAnn for using her skills to do it for me. ;) And...because I am indecisive I sent out 2 invitations. Ha. Couldn't decide which picture I like better....what do you think?

I borrowed this balloon wreath from my friend Lindsey and added the "ONE" banner to greet people. So fun and colorful!

This little setup welcomed people at the door. I wanted to have a little keepsake for the party, and Caden LOVES I thought a "ONE" theme book for people to sign would be very appropriate!

And of course, people needed to have a 'stache or bowtie to coordinate with the little man theme....

We served hotdogs (I cannot tell you the last time I have eaten one!), chips, fruit, veggies, oreo balls, and of course cake!

I opted for these colors so I could use some fabrics and other items I already had from his I just love these bright and fun greens and blues!

 Little man came down with croup and then an ear infection to cap off his first year of life, so last minute my friend Marla sent this wonderful smash cake and cupcakes with my parents since I had my hands full with a sick little guy. (Caden was better by his birthday, the week before was so sad though.) Aren't these great!? I loved them-and so did Caden! Thanks Marla!

Drink station....(Sweet tea included of course!)

Monthly pic banner...I can't believe how he has grown!

And the cute little birthday boy himself!

We had quite a few friends and family show up, and at first he was a little stand-offish...but then he was  into everything and interested in everyone! 

He was interested in his gifts...

                                                but more concerned with watching his cousins...

                                    and his first taste of cake? I think it is fair to say he loved it!

                                                           Thankful for our family of 3.

We love you always sweet boy! You have brought countless smiles and happiness into our lives. Looking forward to to celebrating many more birthdays little man!