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Life in Florida

It is offical-I am the most INCONSISTENT blog updater ever, which potentially defeats the purpose of updating all my friends and family spread out everywhere....but here goes!

Much of the reason I have been so slow to update is WE MOVED! See ya later Memphis, we DEFINITELY miss you (seriously, we do!), but we are currently enjoying and thankful for this new chapter of life in Orlando! We moved about 2 months ago, and it has been a blur of transitioning and all which that entails. There are so many things we love about Florida thus far:

1. The beach and so many other Orlando attractions are 45-1.5 hours away! So far, we have been able to enjoy so many things as a family which we most likely wouldn't have the access to at this point in our lives. So many wonderful memories already.

2. Publix grocery store. Yep! Caden gets a free balloon, cookie, and rides in the grocery is the  small things in life! Seriously, have you ever BEEN to a Publix? Maybe the kindest, most helpful customer service I have ever experienced! Oh, and have you had their sandwiches...or their samples? It will be very difficult to go back to any other grocery store in the future. Not kidding.

3. Our rental home. Definitely has its flaws and I LOVED our little home with all the neighbors in Memphis, but this house is much larger and with that comes more room for me to allow little man run around without getting as stir crazy AS fast. Not to mention, I love getting all Pinteresty with new decorating ideas, always up for the challenge with revamping super cheap things we come across! Thankful!

4. Our church here-NEW CITY ORLANDO. I am amazed at this Gospel-centered and driven church. I have been exposed to many wonderful churches filled with many who are deeply in love with Jesus, but this is exactly the perfect fit for our family at this chapter of our lives. Brett and I would agree we have constantly been refueled and challenged by sermon and just the example of our brothers and sisters in here. We are so excited to serve in and be spurred on by/alongside our community here!

5. Marriage-Brett and I have really only known life in Memphis together and when we got married, I literally stepped into his life which already existed before me....his friendships, stories, etc. I absolutely fell in love with all of this because it was a part of who he is, but we hadn't ventured out together, and this has been something enjoyable (and sometimes frustrating!) trying to navigate the city, make new friends TOGETHER, and just experience a new chapter together. Along with this has brought a challenge or two, but I feel as though it has been so beneficial in growing our friendship and causing us to be more dependent upon one another, and stronger as a result.

6. Just call me your jewelry lady! We needed a little bit extra "wiggle" room once we moved here, and so my friend Carrie (the mom of a sweet friend) had told me about her business with Premier Design jewelry, so after much prayer and thought, I joined in! I am very excited about what is ahead, I have a lot to learn but am excited to be a part of a very respectable company and get the opportunity to grow in countless ways. It already has pushed me out of my comfort zone in adapting more quickly relationally than maybe what I would have! More to come in the future about this. :) I'd love to do a show for you when I come to town!

7. Caden-This is an obvious! He would be on my "love list" regardless of where we are, but I am constantly amazed at how my love for this little man increases. Not to mention, he is so FUN and such a delight to us. I love watching him experience life, his facial expressions as he discovers something new or delights in something. Every little thing. Cliche I know, but I feel like I really am developing a new appreciation for all the simple little things we so quickly pass by as we grow older as I look at these things through his eyes.


1. Southern hospitality ya'll. I love meeting new people and love being neighborly, and I'm sort of forcing people to talk to me exaggeration, like chase them down kind of forcing. Once I corner them though, we are good to go! :) Even when I don't "force" it, Caden does, making sure people give him a high five, wave or a "hello".

2. Driving what seems like forever to get anywhere! I became spoiled in Memphis and everywhere else with things being relatively close by, and now I feel like much of our time is spent driving places! Makes for good convo time at least!

3. Family. This is a given, but this past Friday we had another little nephew born! We are so excited, but of course, so sad we couldn't easily just go to the hospital when he was born to meet the little guy. Obviously, we knew this would be a difficult aspect of the move, but doesn't make it any less difficult.

4. I haven't experienced this yet, but know it is around the corner. Already, I hear my friends from TN talking about the fall and weather etc.....and I'm SOOOOO sad we won't really experience that this year. (At least we don't think so anyway!) I literally LOVE the fall, so that's a bummer.....but there are definitely perks about Florida weather come February. :)

There are other little random things I miss, but I know it is all part of transition. Excited how God is using and will use both the things which "make my heart full" and also that which makes it ache to make us more like Him and to grow in character, etc.

To close this little update out, I thought I would leave you with a few little pics. (It wouldn't be me unless I posted a few!)

Crazy about this guy. (Even on the days I feel like he might make me crazy. :)

Crazy about this guy too! He is ALL boy....loves the dirt, rocks, and anything else of the sort!

15 month well visit at 16 months. First time to his new ped!

I will eventually update more about little man, the list will be long since I can't keep up with all his milestones and developments it seems!

Until next time....