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Welcoming Avery Grace: Birth Story

Wow. As mentioned in my last post, I am officially the WORST at keeping up with happenings in our household. It seems like a lifetime ago we were living in Florida and I was able to write about my favorite things, especially since the list only grew longer and longer by the time we moved back to Memphis...which made it that much more difficult to leave! It is hard for me to skip ahead and not fill in blanks of the year since we lived there because God has taken us on such an incredibly sweet journey and we have experienced His grace so deeply while there and since we moved. We miss our friends and living in Orlando so much, but thankful to be exactly where we are. Another story for another day-for now, I am excited to share about our sweet Avery Grace!


Being my 2nd child, I thought surely this story would be almost identical to Caden's birth story. Nope. Just like they are unique and individual people, something which is so evident even this early on-their "stories" of entering the world are as well! Avery's due date was August 28, and so like most pregnant women at the end of the pregnancy (especially in the summer!), I was hoping and praying she would make an early appearance. Caden did, so she would of course...right?! I wasn't miserable, I can truly say that-I was able to enjoy the last days of it just being Caden and knew she would come when she came. However, after she didn't make an appearance as early as Caden had, I will admit I did get a little nervous she was going to be stubborn! I was tired for sure, and gave myself the freedom to take naps, butI was much healthier this pregnancy, between running after a certain little 2-year old, eating healthier, and working out in a mommy-to-be class...I felt good and energetic overall! I am thankful for this because I consider it to have a part in helping for a faster recovery postpartum!

The week she was born, I had lots of contractions which would begin and then subside after awhile. I actually had 2-3 nights where I woke up to contractions, thinking I was in labor and actually waking Brett up to "coach" me, only to be disappointed they weren't the real thing. I knew my body was preparing for labor, just felt teased by the contractions coming and going as they did. With Caden, they came and they stayed! So, this was already much different. At 3:30ish AM on August 23, I woke up as I had the other nights with contractions, brushing them off as just false labor pains, I opted not to wake Brett up because he had a nasty cold and wanted him to get sleep so when the real thing came he wouldn't be sick anymore. Wishful thinking. I had downloaded an app on my phone called "FULL TERM" and used it to help time contractions, but I really wasn't thinking or just convinced myself it wasn't the real thing so as not to get disappointed if they subsided like they had the previous nights. They didn't subside, but they weren't miserable by any means. My doctor knew I preferred to labor at home for as long as possible, and so had warned me "the 2nd is going to come much don't wait around as long as you did with Caden!" I remembered her advice that early morning-but truly did not feel I was in labor and thought if we went to the hospital, they would tell me it was false labor. I didn't want to go through the process of having Brett's parents come so early in the morning to watch Caden for no reason at all, right? Since I couldn't go back to sleep though, I decided to make most of this time-clean my kitchen, bathroom, read a little, did some of my squats and lunges...just in case! Oh...and paint my nails of course. That's what all do when they are in labor right? In hind sight, I know all this is ridiculous-but at least I came home to a partially clean house and my nails were pretty....At 6 AM the contractions were strong enough where I thought I needed to make sure Brett was up and ready-I needed his coaching and his help thinking for when we needed to ask his parents to start heading our way, etc. When I woke him with "Brett, I think I am in labor" he jumped out of the bed alarmed and called his parents immediately and then a friend closer by to come over in the meantime so someone could be there with Caden when he woke up. I then proceeded to have a meltdown on Brett, and I am not really sure why. He told me later I was babbling and incoherent and he knew I was further along than what I thought based on my behavior.  I wasn't very kind to him for "forcing" me to go then, telling him I wanted to wait another hour and at least see his parents beforehand, etc. He gently but sternly insisted we go, so off we did, me pouting at being rushed. The hospital is about 15 minutes from our house, and on a Saturday morning at 6 AM you would think it would be fairly empty on the roads, but it wasn't! The 15 minute drive suddenly became a very long one, as the pain of labor was undeniable and all the breathing techniques etc. were thrown out the window as I proceeded to SCREAM. Poor Brett was calmly coaching me from the driver's seat recalling all the breathing techniques he had learned to help me with labor and delivery, while driving through traffic, as his wife literally is screaming like he never has heard before. He prayed over me and the delivery process, during which I interrupted him (you guessed it) with a very ear-piercing scream! He says now he was legitimately concerned he was going to have to deliver a baby in the car. I do not deal with pain out loud, so this screaming and crying fit alarmed him! When we pulled up to the parking lot of the hospital, I insisted he park and walk with me instead of dropping me off at the entrance. After all-walking helps the progression of labor. (Clearly, this decision was made in between a contraction!) Once parked and walking to the entrance, another contraction hit and I cried out to Brett that I could not do this, he was so firm in encouraging me and reminding me that there was no going back now....a little unwanted humor at the time. :) After what seemed like the longest walk of my life to the hospital and then the elevator, and then up to the waiting room-the front desk asked some more questions and my response to Brett made them realize they needed to speed the process up a bit. Once in triage (without Brett) the nurse asked me to change and then she would come in with the routine check and paperwork, etc. As soon, as she stepped out of the room, another contraction hit and she promptly stepped back in and told me she was going to help me, check me, and then move right along. She must of thought I was other far along, dramatic, or both! Once checked, she calmly told me I was about to push and we were going to be skipping a few things. The room became abuzz, Brett is brought in. His face was priceless. I remember him saying, "Did we almost just have her in the car?" I am so thankful he had us go when we did, if we had listened to me, we most certainly would have had a home birth by accident! The next part is so vivid in my mind but seems as a dream at the same time. I was overcome with emotion. I am someone who is not quick to have an epidural, preferring to wait as long as possible, but I am also someone who doesn't "push" for all-natural at the same time. I think it would be easy to condemn myself if I had a goal of doing it natural and had to have an emergency C-section or ended up getting an epidural after all-which would take away from the main thing: holding and enjoying a precious gift after months of waiting! With Caden, I got an epidural at the last possible moment and had a great labor experience. Postpartum recovery was rough though, finding out a month later that my tailbone had been fractured unknowingly in delivery. So with Avery, I was basically planning on playing it by ear and doing the same type of thing, but was feeling a little uneasy about the tailbone issue becoming an issue again this delivery experience! It is funny how go with the flow I was about something as intense as this. I think I just have a very open view to it-I disagree when people are overly vocal about one way or the other because at the end of the day a healthy momma and baby are the goal and I don't want anyone to take away from the beauty of the story of their child's birth because it wasn't the "preferred method." <End soapbox now. >Anyway, once getting to the hospital and getting checked, I quickly realized that the word "epidural" wasn't even going to be brought up because there was no chance of one. Even though this somewhat excited me, it scared me to death! Brett said, "If anyone can do this, you can. You want this and can do it!" He was so sweet and encouraging through the whole thing. So thankful for Brett. He was so proud of me even in this moment-such a beautiful part of labor and delivery to have such a loving 'coach'. I was quickly wheeled in the the delivery room, resisting the overwhelming urge to push. There was a resident doctor right there with me. Dr. Dulaney was not on call this weekend, so I heard them saying they were going to call the other Dr. who actually showed up just in be there after Avery was born. Brett was remaining so calm on my behalf, allowing me to squeeze the life out of his hand. Coaching me to breathe in 1-2-3, breathe out 1-2-3. My crazy screams muffled him out though. I was that woman, screaming my lungs out. I remember telling the nurses in between contractions that I was their entertainment for the night. If there wasn't a lot more embarrassing things that happened during labor and delivery I probably would be mortified by the fact that I was a screaming lunatic that morning. I joke often about movies with labor and delivery scenes-they are never accurate....except for that morning, I was THAT lady on THAT movie. Seriously. The crazy woman who accidentally delivers a baby naturally.  Screaming.....and then 2 pushes later, at 7:24 AM, a beautiful baby girl basically fell out. (This means we were there MAYBE 20 minutes...including parking lot time-so when we joke and say if we had waited any longer at the house and Brett would have delivered in the car we mean it!) The most incredible relief, joy, and sense of accomplishment flooded over me. All 7 lbs 14 oz, 20 inches of her. She was worth every day of sickness, sleepless night, EXCRUCIATING pain. I had been looking forward to holding her, for this moment, and it was finally here. I would do it all over again gladly (just maybe get to the hospital a little bit sooner!). "How great a love the Father has for us, that we should be called children of God..." I remember that sweet verse being brought to my mind when Caden was born...and it returned again-How sweet it is to get a taste of the Father's love for us! Our sweet Avery Grace. Thank you Jesus for entrusting us with another precious gift. We are so blessed to be your mommy and daddy!

She's here! Moments after her birth: WHEW!
Real life: Caden didn't want anything to do with Avery or me until
I lured him onto the bed with MY dinner. That's my boy! 

So blessed to be her mommy.

 You are so deeply loved sweet Avie! 


Life in Florida

It is offical-I am the most INCONSISTENT blog updater ever, which potentially defeats the purpose of updating all my friends and family spread out everywhere....but here goes!

Much of the reason I have been so slow to update is WE MOVED! See ya later Memphis, we DEFINITELY miss you (seriously, we do!), but we are currently enjoying and thankful for this new chapter of life in Orlando! We moved about 2 months ago, and it has been a blur of transitioning and all which that entails. There are so many things we love about Florida thus far:

1. The beach and so many other Orlando attractions are 45-1.5 hours away! So far, we have been able to enjoy so many things as a family which we most likely wouldn't have the access to at this point in our lives. So many wonderful memories already.

2. Publix grocery store. Yep! Caden gets a free balloon, cookie, and rides in the grocery is the  small things in life! Seriously, have you ever BEEN to a Publix? Maybe the kindest, most helpful customer service I have ever experienced! Oh, and have you had their sandwiches...or their samples? It will be very difficult to go back to any other grocery store in the future. Not kidding.

3. Our rental home. Definitely has its flaws and I LOVED our little home with all the neighbors in Memphis, but this house is much larger and with that comes more room for me to allow little man run around without getting as stir crazy AS fast. Not to mention, I love getting all Pinteresty with new decorating ideas, always up for the challenge with revamping super cheap things we come across! Thankful!

4. Our church here-NEW CITY ORLANDO. I am amazed at this Gospel-centered and driven church. I have been exposed to many wonderful churches filled with many who are deeply in love with Jesus, but this is exactly the perfect fit for our family at this chapter of our lives. Brett and I would agree we have constantly been refueled and challenged by sermon and just the example of our brothers and sisters in here. We are so excited to serve in and be spurred on by/alongside our community here!

5. Marriage-Brett and I have really only known life in Memphis together and when we got married, I literally stepped into his life which already existed before me....his friendships, stories, etc. I absolutely fell in love with all of this because it was a part of who he is, but we hadn't ventured out together, and this has been something enjoyable (and sometimes frustrating!) trying to navigate the city, make new friends TOGETHER, and just experience a new chapter together. Along with this has brought a challenge or two, but I feel as though it has been so beneficial in growing our friendship and causing us to be more dependent upon one another, and stronger as a result.

6. Just call me your jewelry lady! We needed a little bit extra "wiggle" room once we moved here, and so my friend Carrie (the mom of a sweet friend) had told me about her business with Premier Design jewelry, so after much prayer and thought, I joined in! I am very excited about what is ahead, I have a lot to learn but am excited to be a part of a very respectable company and get the opportunity to grow in countless ways. It already has pushed me out of my comfort zone in adapting more quickly relationally than maybe what I would have! More to come in the future about this. :) I'd love to do a show for you when I come to town!

7. Caden-This is an obvious! He would be on my "love list" regardless of where we are, but I am constantly amazed at how my love for this little man increases. Not to mention, he is so FUN and such a delight to us. I love watching him experience life, his facial expressions as he discovers something new or delights in something. Every little thing. Cliche I know, but I feel like I really am developing a new appreciation for all the simple little things we so quickly pass by as we grow older as I look at these things through his eyes.


1. Southern hospitality ya'll. I love meeting new people and love being neighborly, and I'm sort of forcing people to talk to me exaggeration, like chase them down kind of forcing. Once I corner them though, we are good to go! :) Even when I don't "force" it, Caden does, making sure people give him a high five, wave or a "hello".

2. Driving what seems like forever to get anywhere! I became spoiled in Memphis and everywhere else with things being relatively close by, and now I feel like much of our time is spent driving places! Makes for good convo time at least!

3. Family. This is a given, but this past Friday we had another little nephew born! We are so excited, but of course, so sad we couldn't easily just go to the hospital when he was born to meet the little guy. Obviously, we knew this would be a difficult aspect of the move, but doesn't make it any less difficult.

4. I haven't experienced this yet, but know it is around the corner. Already, I hear my friends from TN talking about the fall and weather etc.....and I'm SOOOOO sad we won't really experience that this year. (At least we don't think so anyway!) I literally LOVE the fall, so that's a bummer.....but there are definitely perks about Florida weather come February. :)

There are other little random things I miss, but I know it is all part of transition. Excited how God is using and will use both the things which "make my heart full" and also that which makes it ache to make us more like Him and to grow in character, etc.

To close this little update out, I thought I would leave you with a few little pics. (It wouldn't be me unless I posted a few!)

Crazy about this guy. (Even on the days I feel like he might make me crazy. :)

Crazy about this guy too! He is ALL boy....loves the dirt, rocks, and anything else of the sort!

15 month well visit at 16 months. First time to his new ped!

I will eventually update more about little man, the list will be long since I can't keep up with all his milestones and developments it seems!

Until next time....


Little Man is ONE.

Caden is one. Yep. One. One doesn't really seem like a lot of time relatively speaking, but it sure seems like more has happened this year than any other! We are so crazy about this little guy! I am thankful for the precious gift Jesus has entrusted us with-what an incredible blessing and joy little man is!

We were able to celebrate with many family and friends this past Saturday. His 1st birthday party was so fun! So many of the "guests" were friends and family who met him day one in the hospital-making it extra special!

We had his party at Brett's parents house because it is bigger and because they have a beautiful backyard (of which was not available this particular Saturday due to the rain!) I have great in-laws for letting us host it there!

I really enjoyed planning and crafting for his party. I know he won't remember it per say, but I want to make each birthday special and hopefully he can look back and know how special he is daily but also that we make a point to celebrate his life on his special day. Thank you PINTEREST for the ideas. :) (Prepare for lots of pictures to come!)

I stole the idea to print pictures as invitations from my friend Alicia. So much cheaper and I can send out to extended family etc. to have a little picture update of the little man! Thanks to the very talented BethAnn for using her skills to do it for me. ;) And...because I am indecisive I sent out 2 invitations. Ha. Couldn't decide which picture I like better....what do you think?

I borrowed this balloon wreath from my friend Lindsey and added the "ONE" banner to greet people. So fun and colorful!

This little setup welcomed people at the door. I wanted to have a little keepsake for the party, and Caden LOVES I thought a "ONE" theme book for people to sign would be very appropriate!

And of course, people needed to have a 'stache or bowtie to coordinate with the little man theme....

We served hotdogs (I cannot tell you the last time I have eaten one!), chips, fruit, veggies, oreo balls, and of course cake!

I opted for these colors so I could use some fabrics and other items I already had from his I just love these bright and fun greens and blues!

 Little man came down with croup and then an ear infection to cap off his first year of life, so last minute my friend Marla sent this wonderful smash cake and cupcakes with my parents since I had my hands full with a sick little guy. (Caden was better by his birthday, the week before was so sad though.) Aren't these great!? I loved them-and so did Caden! Thanks Marla!

Drink station....(Sweet tea included of course!)

Monthly pic banner...I can't believe how he has grown!

And the cute little birthday boy himself!

We had quite a few friends and family show up, and at first he was a little stand-offish...but then he was  into everything and interested in everyone! 

He was interested in his gifts...

                                                but more concerned with watching his cousins...

                                    and his first taste of cake? I think it is fair to say he loved it!

                                                           Thankful for our family of 3.

We love you always sweet boy! You have brought countless smiles and happiness into our lives. Looking forward to to celebrating many more birthdays little man!


Caden: Belated 9 month update!

I have probably said this at every stage of Caden's life, but I have officially decided up to this point, this is my favorite age! (6-9 months so far really!) Little man is  "moving and a shaking" as the saying goes. He is keeping us on the move ourselves, but we love it. Caden really is such a joy in our life with a high-energy, people-loving, sweet spirit about him.

In case you haven't noticed, Caden is a big boy. I am pretty certain I have not been into a public place in which a stranger does not comment on his size...."Mommy is feeding you well"....."You are just starving him aren't you?!"...."I bet you are giving mommy a workout" many more phrases! Some people have asked me if it hurts my feelings that people comment about Caden in this way-NO WAY! I love a healthy and big baby boy! His 9 month checkup proved he is still on a rapid rate of growth, but percentile-wise he is not "off the charts" as he was before. At 9 months, Caden weighed in at 23 LB 5 OZ and was 29.5 IN long. I am thankful for my arm exercise. (My right arm is significantly more toned and stronger than my left!)

Caden still nurses but is now eating finger foods. A LOT of finger foods. The pediatrician gave the green light on feeding him finger foods and leaning away from purees (of which I am not grieving)....and this was not a slow transition. He doesn't want ANY pureed form of anything now. He is very demanding in his mealtime now!

Caden loves so many things now, I don't even know if I can list it all but some of the highlights....

-LOVES cruising and crawling-the little guy is so fast especially when he thinks I'm coming after him!
-mommy and daddy's shoes are his favorite toy items unfortunately!
-stroller rides-we usually get to go walking outside 1-2 times a week weather permitting. I'll be glad for warmer weather so we can have our daily walks!
-Eating. Not kidding. He talks more in his highchair, claps his hands, and smiles in this spot more than any other. He LOVES meat and black beans probably more than anything. He really loves sweet potatoes, strawberries, bananas (and pretty much any fruit). He also loves crackers and puffs-which I am trying to give him sparingly but it is hard sometimes!
-Exploring everywhere-he joins me in the kitchen daily.
-Johnny jump up is still a this point he gets bored with the jumping and maneuvers it more as a swing. (I can't wait for it to warm up enough to take him to the park.)
-"WAAA, WAAA....and BAAA, BAAA" are his constant babblings. Sometimes we think he is trying to say "ball" or "water" but not so sure at this point. Brett claims he has said "da-da" but I have yet to hear it. :)
-Speaking of ball-he LOVES to play ball with daddy. He gets so excited if he sees a ball and "chases" after it and does his version of throwing. Needless to say-Brett is so excited about this.
-His favorite books are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"....and "Good Night Moon." I love reading with him so much because he seems to really enjoy it and with these specific books is very interactive.
-He loves dogs....especially Max our pup. (Which is unfortunate because we are having to find him a new home soon because of circumstances!) He laughs at Max all the time and pulls on his tail and just watches him for a long time.
-Bath time is also still one of his favorite activities. He is so active in the tub-I cannot wait to swim with him this summer!
-He seems to enjoy interacting with other babies now...but especially kids who are a little older than him. It seems as if we are entering into true play dates now and not just sitting babies next to each other and taking cute pictures!
-He loves his "LOVEY". He has never been a paci-baby, but he cuddles with his lovey now and sucks on it to go to sleep.
-Loves PLAYING with daddy and CUDDLING with mommy.

Caden is down to 2 naps now...approx. 2 hours long give or take some time! We usually don't get him out of his crib until 7-7:30 AM. I say get him out of his crib because we NEVER have to wake him up. I'm not sure where he gets his early rising tendencies from, but they didn't come from me.

Little man has 3.5 teeth. .5 being it is clearly coming in but not exactly visible yet!

Caden currently HATES....

-Nursery or childcare anything....or anything else where I am not in his sight. He is a little momma's boy right now. I'm sure it won't last forever and it is a little stressful that he freaks out if I am not holding him or by his side, but I can't say I'm complaining. :)
-Diaper and clothes changing. HATES it. And now I hate it as a result...
-When I take away his toy or keep him from going in a direction he wants to go. (i.e. climbing a lamp in his room!)

Cute montly sticker pictures are still cute, but not exactly easy....

Now on to birthday party planning, because it will be here before we know it!


The Story of God

A little perspective....

Missing Everlee

I am not sure about you, but I have been very fortunate to have a handful of women I can look up to and learn from in some way. I am so thankful for these women who are family by blood, or through friendship. One of these women in my life, I always find myself thinking about the most during this time of year: Everlee. December marks the anniversary of "Mamaw Hooks" passing. Her life and even death had a very special impact on me. She had a very simple life, nothing extraordinary to the naked eye, but very influential to me.
Hard at work in her beloved garden!
One of the last pictures taken before finding out she was sick. 

Growing up next door to her, provided a very special relationship which I probably took for granted until I was much older, but I am so thankful for the childhood memories I had helping her in the garden, eating junkfood, "going to town", and countless others. Most of all I am thankful I was able to be influenced by her faithfulness to the Lord, family, and neighbors. Her life was simple, but beautiful to me. The simple things about her were the things which still remain with me today and I pray I would be this sort of influence.

My first year in Illinois, my first month really, I received the news she had a brain tumor. Honestly, I was devastated and momentarily even bitter this would happen after I was 8+ hours away from being available to her. Through this, however, I experienced the goodness of the Lord and his perfect timing more deeply than ever before. 

Since she had opted out of treatment due to age, there was a window of time in which the doctors said she would have before her mind would go and they didn't know how long she would have, etc. so my biggest fear was I would not get to see her one last time before she stopped recognizing me even if she was physically still functioning. The Lord granted my request to see her 2 more times. The first visit was along with my other family, and it was one of the most special times as a family that I recall. Mamaw had always been so frugal and not one to eat out, but she was very determined that if she was going to go, she was going to go out with a bang. (I had to talk to her about being so spunky about something so dear to our hearts!) But "party" we did, and I cherish those last moments with this precious hero of mine. 

Years later, I still miss mamaw so much. So many things make me think of her. Her absence in my life is still so obvious, but her impact still remains. I find myself getting caught up in so many temporal and unneccessary things more often than not, but her life really serves as a reminder to me of the value of a life lived for eternity and the legacy this can leave behind even to only a few. I have a long list of things to be thankful for, but most certainly I think of Everlee...mamaw...and thank God for her.

Check this video out-not sure why I can't attach it normally...still encouraged by this perspective she shared with us weeks before she died.


Caden: 6 months old!

This post is a month overdue, but better late than never! I cannot believe little man is 6 months. I know everyone says all the stages are so fun and it is hard to choose a favorite-I would agree! However, at this point, this is DEFINITELY my favorite stage. Caden is SO interactive, learning new things all the time,  and his little personality is really becoming evident. We are CRAZY about the kid.

At Caden's 6 month checkup he weighed a whopping 21 lb 13 oz and 28 in long! We are thankful for our big and healthy boy. He is wearing 12 mo clothes for the most part now, with a little room to grow of course.

Caden loves to....

-roll over
-sit without support
-he doesn't really care about solids as much as you would think, but his favorites are green beans, peas, and bananas it seems!
-his new Johnny Jump up
-play in his exersaucer
-blow raspberries
-sleep in funny positions in his crib
-"Who is the King of the Jungle" and "If You are Happy and You Know It" songs
-Grab EVERYTHING, specifically loves pulling things off the dinner table
-be naked or in his diaper only
-hold his feet in the air and bringing them to his mouth
-his swing still-though we are unfortunately about to have to retire the swing. SAD DAY.
-read books, especially cardboard ones to chew on
-chew and drool on everything
-splash in the bath
-"find" his voice
-watch Max the dog, or any other dog for that matter!
-pull hair and pinch cheeks
-be carried in the ERGO
-be outdoors, so curious! :)

The list goes on and on... as I said, it is so fun for us hence my long list! :)

Enjoying his chair at papaw and mamaw's house.

Definitely did NOT love his monkey costume...
Loves to sit and grab whatever is in his reach. (Or not for that matter!)

1st flight!

Happy boy

Caden's baby "cousin"-love how much this reflects my relationship with my cousinLauren when we were little. (Jimmy's momma!)