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It has been awhile....

So, you know when you haven't talked to a friend in a very long time, and it makes it that much harder to pick up the phone and call unless you have a reserved 2+ hours to chat and catch up since the last time you were able...not because you don't want to but because it is almost overwhelming due to all the events which have occurred? I am experiencing this with my blogger friends right about now, seeing as how the last time I posted was June and it seems like so much has taken place since then. I suppose the best way to approach this is a brief little overview of events/thoughts/highlights of the past 2 months....

-Brett, Caden, and I were able to go to the "homeland" to visit with my family and meet with friends and supporters. It was such a refreshing time with my family and so fun to see Caden interact with his cousins for the first time. I think I really cherish this time with my family so much since we are not able to see them that often anymore. I love the simplicity of my hometown and am so thankful for the opportunity to "slow down" and take it all in.

-My sweet friend from college, Amanda married her love, and I was privileged to be in the wedding. Brett and I have both been in so many weddings, but this was the first since Caden man was born and it was a challenge to "juggle" caring for Caden and being in a wedding. Sweet Amanda was super understanding that I was probably the worst bridesmaid ever! She, of course,  was an absolutely stunning bride and her wedding was such a wonderful picture of the Gospel. They are an awesome team and I am excited for their future together.

-My cousin (and MOH of our wedding) had her sweet baby boy! I love him so much already and can't wait to squeeze and love on him! I am so thankful for Lauren and know she is a great mom....I am so excited we get to be first time moms at the same time!

-Little man has grown so much! He is literally off the charts in his height and length...currently weighing 19 lbs at 4 months old...which makes a mommy proud. We have a big and healthy boy! I am so thankful! He is such a sweet blessing from the Lord and I think Brett and I are a whole other level of understanding this. He is so much FUN and a joy to be around. He is constantly cracking us up with all his new sounds and giggles, and rolling over for the first time.

-I feel like I am constantly learning and being reminded of how incompetent I am. (I mean this not in a self-condemning way but just an honest and humbling manner!) It has been hard to see this side of me on another level. Becoming a mom really has been such an amazing yet humbling adventure thus far. I have always had countless imperfections, but I see them so much more now. It is tough at time to see this, but I really do think the Lord is teaching me to depend upon Him instead of trying to be my independent little self. Necessary growing pains I suppose.

-I have been running and working out a lot again. (With the exception of this week!!!) Before I enjoyed it, but a lot of my motivation was just to be in shape and feel healthy, but now it serves more as a special getaway to think, re-energize, and relieve stress. Pregnancy can get a girl out of shape though!

-I was able to help host a baby shower for a sweet friend here in Memphis. Her sweet little baby (and Caden's future best friend:) is due in October and I am SO excited for him to be here! Now that I have a baby and have gone through the whole experience of labor and delivery it makes me so much more excited at baby showers and when friends are prego. Such a wonderful miracle!

-School is back in session! With the launch of the school year means BUSSSSSSYYYYY days for the hubs. I am so excited about how God has and is going to work in so many lives this year and thankful he allows Brett and I to be a part of it. HOWEVER, I will say this year has been really tough on me already because I am used to being "in the game" with Brett, meaning helping new students move in, attend all of the events, etc. and this year I'm sitting on the sidelines for most of these things for obvious and good reasons. Though this be the case, I still have struggled a lot with figuring out my role and having a supportive and loving attitude if Brett is out late with a special event, etc. I have to remind myself I am still "in the game" but it just looks different than before. I know this is for a season, but for one who likes to be in the middle of things, I have struggled. I know God is teaching me things through it, but not sure the extent of it quite yet. I am so thankful though for the reason I am not as active on the campus as years past, as I do have the incredible responsibility of loving on sweet little man.

-Currently, I am going through the book of Hosea with a friend and also reading (slowly) THE ALLURE OF HOPE. I did not intend to have a 'theme' going on here, but I can see a correlation between them....God's pursuit of our heart. I really want to understand this on a deeper level than ever before. How much would I be transformed if I really could grasp even a tiny amount of the incredible love my Savior has for me and the fullest extent to which He pursued my heart?

There has been SO much more happen since we last "talked" the moment I cannot currently think of much more until next time!

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