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Living for the "next thing?"

 Warning: Most 26 and 28 year olds speak in seasons, but Brett and I speak according to the college calendar because we work in the college ministry world. So, as this semester comes to a close, I see how easy it is for the girls I lead to begin wishing away and hoping for the "next thing", which just so happens to be summer break, and for many of them a summer opportunity at Orlando Project or overseas.  I can join with them feeling tired and being ready for the "next thing." Today, we went to our 38 week appointment to see if there were any signs of Caden to be seen and there weren't. Immediately, I was disappointed as I want to meet and hold sweet baby boy...and to not be pregnant anymore if I am honest with you! Our hearts are such fickle things that we would desire to rush through each day just to get to the next thing, instead of enjoying Him and all the gifts He gives us that specific day.

Today, I chose to pick up an old devotional book from when I was living in Peoria and meeting with several women from my staff team to discuss. Here is the easy read-I would highly recommend. Through reading through this supplemental book and reading through God's Word I was highly encouraged to remember this simple truth....

  "If we focus our thoughts on looking only at what we hope tomorrow will bring, we will miss all the pleasures of today."

Just a little thought for the day...I think discontentment lies in thinking ahead to the "next thing" and believing THEN you will be satisfied or content. Though easy to believe, the grass is NOT greener on the other side, but we are given so many gifts (even if they do not same as such) here and now and wishing away the NOW means wishing these away.

P.S. Rookie blogger mistake! This was written a few days ago, but I saved it instead of publishing by accident. Oops! :)

Heart Check!

"If I should suffer need, and go unclothed, and be in poverty, make my heart PRIZE THY LOVE, KNOW IT, and BE CONSTRAINED BY IT, though I be denied all blessings."

The following is an excerpt from a book of prayers called The Valley of Vision. I sometimes find it hard to interpret the old English "thees and thous" but once I understand the meaning behind these eloquent and convicting prayers written, I am spurred on and challenged deeply.  I would highly recommend this as a supplement in their time alone with God. This particular selection really spurred me on in my devotional time recently and led me to evaluate 3 three things about my heart:

1. Do I prize Christ's love?
2. Do I know His love?
3. Am I constrained by His love? matter what?

1. Do I prize Christ's love?

Several parts of Scripture come to mind when I think about prizing His love-Jeremiah 9:23-24 and Jeremiah 5:16 are a few starters. I tried to think of what it means to prize His love and began to think about what it means for me to prize anything. The first thing which comes to my mind is treasure....which then leads me to also think about the parable of the treasure hidden in the field...where a guy finds it and goes and sells everything he had to buy the whole field. The implication of prizing His love to me is...

-Considering it more wonderful and desirable than anything the world offers.
-Considering His love continually-both intentionally and unintentionally. I think intentionally so means to make radical decisions in light of prizing Him more deeply, such as intentional time spent alone with Him, etc.

I will be the first to admit, my life and heart do not always reflect these!

2. Do I know His love?

I have heard it said that God's Word is a love letter written to us and I would agree. You see His love demonstrated from Genesis to Revelation. Specifically 1 John speaks of His love and tells me that He IS love...the very definition of the word. Love is loving someone even when they can't or don't love you back and I see this demonstrated in fullness in Christ Jesus. What incredible love that He would send His Son to take on the punishment for MY sin. I was not looking for Him or living for Him, when He gripped my heart and I entered into this love relationship at a younger age. I have been seeking to understand, receive, and give back ever since. Though this be the case, I find myself often complacent and thankless, taking for granted the reality of this unconditional love.

3. Am I constrained by His love? 

The definition of constrained is "forced, compelled, or obliged" according to  These synonyms almost have a negative connotation at first glance, but the more I think about and understand the meaning, I am encouraged. Recently I have been thinking about and talking to others about what it means to be constrained or compelled by His love. Brett and I are knee-deep in ministry, and it often seems hard to separate vocation and duty from operating out of the overflow of a heart captured by Christ's love. We want to simply operate out of the overflow of His love, but it is certainly difficult at times! However, I truly am convinced the more intimacy I experience with Him, the more I know Him and have deep and real communion with Him...are the times when I most deeply and genuinely desire to make Him known, AND experience fullness of joy. This being said, I am not "forced" in a derogatory sense as the definition implies, but in a gripped and overcome by Him sense.

I really do think this is the secret to avoid burnout. I want to join with this person in prayer for us that we would prize, know, and be constrained by God's love in the midst of whatever may come.

"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God..." -1 John 3:1

"In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son unto world, so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." -1 John 4:9-10


Welcoming myself to blogger land...

Welcome to my blog! I have decided to re-enter into the world of blogging for several reasons...the top reason being I have lived in several places and am blessed with many friends and family who unfortunately do not live nearby and I hope to be faithful to update even from a distance! Secondly, I hope to encourage any readers (even if it is only my mom!) with Psalm 16:6 as my foundation verse. Life is always changing for all people I realize, and one of the greatest temptations is for women to adopt the "grass is greener on the other side" mentality. Though this is far from the truth, I can easily believe it as well in this ever changing life. I hope to map out my journey of claiming the Truth that God has individually given us a beautiful inheritance....He has placed me exactly where He has me for such a time as this...and hope to encourage you (whoever you may be) along the way.

For those of you who I do not know so well or maybe are in need of an update, here is a quick catch-up of the past few years....

I graduated from Tennessee Tech University as an elementary education major, but gladly accepted a job with Campus Outreach staff ministering to college students at TTU for one year and then was taken to Peoria, IL at Bradley University. I loved all of the opportunities, people, and lessons God allowed me to encounter post-graduation and wasn't looking to "settle down" as some may say, but God had other plans for my life and though unexpected, I was very glad to embrace the new chapter which would lead me to marrying Brett, moving to Memphis, and soon becoming a mother. To say the least-everything about the past 2 years since Brett and I have been married is a 'fast track' but I wouldn't have it any other way. Since November 20, 2010 we have...

-been married
-traveled a lot! 
-bought a house
-experienced job change
-become pregnant with a sweet baby boy
-the list goes on...

My sweet roommates in Peoria, IL.
Brett and I at our engagement party moments after he popped the question.

Our wedding day! 

Riviera Maya, Mexico

Proud homeowners!

Pregnancy announcement :)

Waiting on Baby Caden!
