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Caden: 1 month old!

Hard to believe our sweet little man is already a month old! People have told me on several occasions to enjoy this time because it would fly by-and it most certainly has. I know it is going to only go more quickly in the future. It seems like just yesterday Brett and I were texting/calling friends and family to let them know Caden was making an entrance. WE ARE SO IN LOVE WITH THIS LITTLE GUY! Life has changed drastically....

-Taking a shower is an accomplishment
-My house always looks like a tornado hit it
-Spit up has become my new accessory
-Clothes just don't fit the same
-Sleep...well it is overrated
-Any trip is an adventure now

and we are MORE than okay with it!

Some of Caden's favorite things:

-observing (especially a specific wedding pic of daddy and mommy framed on the wall)
-his swing
-being awake at nighttime....
-going on walks
-the moby wrap

Until next time!

Love those cheeks!

Max insisted on his own photo shoot...

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