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Introducing Baby Caden!

I am so excited to introduce you to a very special little man in my life-Caden Brett Wynne! After 9 months of carrying the little guy, I was more than happy to deliver him a week early! God has been so gracious with us in countless ways, one of which being the delivery story.

The condensed story is this: I had been doing basically every thing that are supposed natural labor inducers-drinking special organic tea, walking up a storm with Brett and Max our dog (poor little pup didn't have as much energy as we thought!), stability ball exercises, etc. Obviously, I recognize that God would bring Caden exactly when He desired him to come into the world but walking always is a good form of exercise! :) This past Thursday, April 26th, Brett and I went to good ole' Central BBQ with some friends who recently moved from Memphis and wanted to satisfy the famous BBQ craving...and during this time I started feeling what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions...and they kept on coming and kept on coming, but as much as people say you "know" when you are going into labor-I'm a skeptic. Hours later when they hadn't progressed in pain level, but didn't neccesarily subside we decided to call the hospital to see if it was worth us coming in. The doctor told me since I was able to talk I probably was only experiencing Braxton Hicks or VERY early stages so we decided to hang out at the house and rest. Around 2 AM that morning, they still were coming on strong and rest was not an option so Brett made the decision for us to go to the hospital despite what the doctor had said. I was hesitant because I didn't want to go and be told I had an extremely low pain tolerance and then sent home. Well, fortunately there was no returning home until days later because by the time we got to the hospital I was VERY far along and Brett and I became so excited at what lay before us. A few hours into the labor and delivery process,  I was pushing and THIRTY minutes later we we were welcoming our sweet baby boy into our arms for the first time. What an indescribable moment for Brett and I to share in! We were quickly reminded that all the anticipation, naseau, weight gain, and preparation of the previous months were of course worth it all to become stewards of this precious gift. Sweet baby Caden was born on April 27th (a week prior to his due date)at 8:58 AM weighing in at 8 lb 7 oz and 20.5 inches!

While in the hospital, we opted to welcome visitors and we were so encouraged and loved by the MANY friends and family that were eager to meet and love on our baby boy. Brett and I were so encouraged to know already that we aren't the only ones who will be loving, praying, and caring for Caden!

It amazed me and still is amazing me (I realize I am very early into this whole mommy stuff, so I might be disillusioned) how God is giving us the grace to step up to this incredible and somewhat overwhelming responsibility of caring for a tiny and vulnerable little human being. I have definitely already shed a few (okay-maybe QUITE a few tears) in moments where I felt helpless to soothe or care for him. I know there will be more to come, but Brett and I laughed the other night or morning or whenever it realizing we were excited at poopy diapers and interrupted sleep. Things are definitely changing and we couldn't be more thankful.

Brett holding him for the first time!

After his first bath in the hospital

Going home sweet home!

Proud parents!

Love this picture my friend Kat took!

Caden opted out of tummy time, but so precious!



  1. he is soooo sweet! I can't believe his little cheeks! I just wanna squeeze him! I am glad to hear things are going so well. Congrats Momma!

  2. yay rach! he is perfect! I am so excited things are going well so far. Cant wait to catch up.
