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Birthday Fun!

I'm 27. As of yesterday. It is official. I cannot believe it. I'm a huge fan of birthdays...and a believer in birthdays weekends, weeks, months?! However, I will say this is the first birthday in which I didn't get as excited say 27 is old is certainly a stretch of the imagination in my opinion, but I do feel, well, old. :)

Brett is very creative in making me feel special, specifically on my birthday! This weekend really was so fun as he thought of things I loved to do and made a day of it. There are lots more details and events of the weekend, but my favorite by far was our lunchtime picnic to Shelby Farms. I am definitely a country girl living in a city environment....and though I have adapted well I miss nature-related things. Brett knows this and so we had some much needed quality time together going on a picnic, TAWG (of which was very distracting, because Brett is NOT a sit on a blanket outside and read kind of guy, but he was a great sport about it!), pretending we were young by playing on the playground, and going for a nature walk in the GORGEOUS weather. Little man stayed with Brett's parents, and I missed him (Yes, pathetic I know) but it was such a fun "date" with the hubs!

To cap off the weekend-I have been experiencing headaches, etc often and had an eye doctor appointment to check up on things. Turns out I am far-sighted now and thus the cause of headaches and tension in my eyes could possibly be curbed through wearing glasses! I have made it this far without them, but that chapter has apparently come to a close. Who knows what year 28 of my life will bring? I must admit I have always wanted glasses, so I'll have to think of it as a sweet little birthday gift to myself. :)

1 comment:

  1. aww glad you had such a fun birthday! And come on 27 old!!! then I must be ancient! Oh and sorry to hear about your eyes, but glad you are looking forward to joining the glasses club! :) miss you!
