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Caden: 6 months old!

This post is a month overdue, but better late than never! I cannot believe little man is 6 months. I know everyone says all the stages are so fun and it is hard to choose a favorite-I would agree! However, at this point, this is DEFINITELY my favorite stage. Caden is SO interactive, learning new things all the time,  and his little personality is really becoming evident. We are CRAZY about the kid.

At Caden's 6 month checkup he weighed a whopping 21 lb 13 oz and 28 in long! We are thankful for our big and healthy boy. He is wearing 12 mo clothes for the most part now, with a little room to grow of course.

Caden loves to....

-roll over
-sit without support
-he doesn't really care about solids as much as you would think, but his favorites are green beans, peas, and bananas it seems!
-his new Johnny Jump up
-play in his exersaucer
-blow raspberries
-sleep in funny positions in his crib
-"Who is the King of the Jungle" and "If You are Happy and You Know It" songs
-Grab EVERYTHING, specifically loves pulling things off the dinner table
-be naked or in his diaper only
-hold his feet in the air and bringing them to his mouth
-his swing still-though we are unfortunately about to have to retire the swing. SAD DAY.
-read books, especially cardboard ones to chew on
-chew and drool on everything
-splash in the bath
-"find" his voice
-watch Max the dog, or any other dog for that matter!
-pull hair and pinch cheeks
-be carried in the ERGO
-be outdoors, so curious! :)

The list goes on and on... as I said, it is so fun for us hence my long list! :)

Enjoying his chair at papaw and mamaw's house.

Definitely did NOT love his monkey costume...
Loves to sit and grab whatever is in his reach. (Or not for that matter!)

1st flight!

Happy boy

Caden's baby "cousin"-love how much this reflects my relationship with my cousinLauren when we were little. (Jimmy's momma!)

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