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The Story of God

A little perspective....

Missing Everlee

I am not sure about you, but I have been very fortunate to have a handful of women I can look up to and learn from in some way. I am so thankful for these women who are family by blood, or through friendship. One of these women in my life, I always find myself thinking about the most during this time of year: Everlee. December marks the anniversary of "Mamaw Hooks" passing. Her life and even death had a very special impact on me. She had a very simple life, nothing extraordinary to the naked eye, but very influential to me.
Hard at work in her beloved garden!
One of the last pictures taken before finding out she was sick. 

Growing up next door to her, provided a very special relationship which I probably took for granted until I was much older, but I am so thankful for the childhood memories I had helping her in the garden, eating junkfood, "going to town", and countless others. Most of all I am thankful I was able to be influenced by her faithfulness to the Lord, family, and neighbors. Her life was simple, but beautiful to me. The simple things about her were the things which still remain with me today and I pray I would be this sort of influence.

My first year in Illinois, my first month really, I received the news she had a brain tumor. Honestly, I was devastated and momentarily even bitter this would happen after I was 8+ hours away from being available to her. Through this, however, I experienced the goodness of the Lord and his perfect timing more deeply than ever before. 

Since she had opted out of treatment due to age, there was a window of time in which the doctors said she would have before her mind would go and they didn't know how long she would have, etc. so my biggest fear was I would not get to see her one last time before she stopped recognizing me even if she was physically still functioning. The Lord granted my request to see her 2 more times. The first visit was along with my other family, and it was one of the most special times as a family that I recall. Mamaw had always been so frugal and not one to eat out, but she was very determined that if she was going to go, she was going to go out with a bang. (I had to talk to her about being so spunky about something so dear to our hearts!) But "party" we did, and I cherish those last moments with this precious hero of mine. 

Years later, I still miss mamaw so much. So many things make me think of her. Her absence in my life is still so obvious, but her impact still remains. I find myself getting caught up in so many temporal and unneccessary things more often than not, but her life really serves as a reminder to me of the value of a life lived for eternity and the legacy this can leave behind even to only a few. I have a long list of things to be thankful for, but most certainly I think of Everlee...mamaw...and thank God for her.

Check this video out-not sure why I can't attach it normally...still encouraged by this perspective she shared with us weeks before she died.


Caden: 6 months old!

This post is a month overdue, but better late than never! I cannot believe little man is 6 months. I know everyone says all the stages are so fun and it is hard to choose a favorite-I would agree! However, at this point, this is DEFINITELY my favorite stage. Caden is SO interactive, learning new things all the time,  and his little personality is really becoming evident. We are CRAZY about the kid.

At Caden's 6 month checkup he weighed a whopping 21 lb 13 oz and 28 in long! We are thankful for our big and healthy boy. He is wearing 12 mo clothes for the most part now, with a little room to grow of course.

Caden loves to....

-roll over
-sit without support
-he doesn't really care about solids as much as you would think, but his favorites are green beans, peas, and bananas it seems!
-his new Johnny Jump up
-play in his exersaucer
-blow raspberries
-sleep in funny positions in his crib
-"Who is the King of the Jungle" and "If You are Happy and You Know It" songs
-Grab EVERYTHING, specifically loves pulling things off the dinner table
-be naked or in his diaper only
-hold his feet in the air and bringing them to his mouth
-his swing still-though we are unfortunately about to have to retire the swing. SAD DAY.
-read books, especially cardboard ones to chew on
-chew and drool on everything
-splash in the bath
-"find" his voice
-watch Max the dog, or any other dog for that matter!
-pull hair and pinch cheeks
-be carried in the ERGO
-be outdoors, so curious! :)

The list goes on and on... as I said, it is so fun for us hence my long list! :)

Enjoying his chair at papaw and mamaw's house.

Definitely did NOT love his monkey costume...
Loves to sit and grab whatever is in his reach. (Or not for that matter!)

1st flight!

Happy boy

Caden's baby "cousin"-love how much this reflects my relationship with my cousinLauren when we were little. (Jimmy's momma!)


Birthday Fun!

I'm 27. As of yesterday. It is official. I cannot believe it. I'm a huge fan of birthdays...and a believer in birthdays weekends, weeks, months?! However, I will say this is the first birthday in which I didn't get as excited say 27 is old is certainly a stretch of the imagination in my opinion, but I do feel, well, old. :)

Brett is very creative in making me feel special, specifically on my birthday! This weekend really was so fun as he thought of things I loved to do and made a day of it. There are lots more details and events of the weekend, but my favorite by far was our lunchtime picnic to Shelby Farms. I am definitely a country girl living in a city environment....and though I have adapted well I miss nature-related things. Brett knows this and so we had some much needed quality time together going on a picnic, TAWG (of which was very distracting, because Brett is NOT a sit on a blanket outside and read kind of guy, but he was a great sport about it!), pretending we were young by playing on the playground, and going for a nature walk in the GORGEOUS weather. Little man stayed with Brett's parents, and I missed him (Yes, pathetic I know) but it was such a fun "date" with the hubs!

To cap off the weekend-I have been experiencing headaches, etc often and had an eye doctor appointment to check up on things. Turns out I am far-sighted now and thus the cause of headaches and tension in my eyes could possibly be curbed through wearing glasses! I have made it this far without them, but that chapter has apparently come to a close. Who knows what year 28 of my life will bring? I must admit I have always wanted glasses, so I'll have to think of it as a sweet little birthday gift to myself. :)


10,000 reasons

One of my new favorite worship songs, check it out!

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless his holy name!

-Psalm 103:1-

Pumpkin Patches and Purees

I love the Fall so much! There is something about the crisp, cool air (well, in Memphis, not everyday is it crisp or cool...), the scents, pumpkin everything, the rustle of the get the picture! I really wish I could capture it, store it in a bottle, and save it for a dreary day. This season has been especially enjoyable because of our sweet little man. Every experience is a deeper experience somehow now. We really are falling in love with him more everyday. He is keeping us on our toes recently as his curiosity is growing, he loves to grab and pinch (especially my cheeks and day I'll have to break it to him he is the one with the pinchable cheeks!), we can hardly put a diaper on him because he is rolling and flipping around us! We are loving this stage! 

We recently had a little adventure to the pumpkin patch, er, church parking lot full of pumpkins for sale. Caden was so interested in this mini "patch" of pumpkins. I love the above family pic, mainly because 6 months of taking pictures with little man and it is the first successful pictures at all 3 of us smiling and looking toward the camera at the same time. (This would happen on a day neither Brett nor I had showered....but I'm not complaining!)

Not so enjoyable is the teething process! I really have decided teething is from Satan himself-no joke! I feel so bad for the little guy as he is such a happy-natured little baby and it is so obvious he is in pain...with no teeth to show for it yet. I will miss that gummy little smile, but I will be glad when a few teeth break through to provide relief for him!

I'm not a rustic, country-styled kind of girl, but something about fall is rustic and country to me. This is one of my latest Pinterest projects. This little banner was such a simple and cheap craft-5 bucks and 10 minutes since I hot glued the flags on instead of sewing. Not bad!

Little man has officially been introduced to solids. We are at the VERY beginning stages and it is a slow process, but it has been fun for me to do something new with him as well as research making baby foods, how to freeze etc. We decided to skip the rice cereal and oatmeal as the starters, and instead went straight to avocado. (You might be like my in-laws, my parents, and my grandmother and think I'm crazy....but hey, it is worth a shot!) The first two days of avocado he enjoyed the process and playing on his tray, and just being included in meals with Brett and me...but this was short-lived as you can see in the above left pic. Needless to say, we are taking a little break from avocado and have moved onto butternut squash...we will see how this goes!

Speaking of baby food-I got a little zealous about pureeing my own foods and freezing them. (hello, you are an awesome resource!) Apparently, I didn't put carrot peelings, squash and sweet potato guts down the garbage disposal at a good pace....and caused a small large leak under our sink. Oops. I would like to say this is the first time I have messed up our disposal, but I would be lying....

There are a lot of things I am looking forward to currently, two of these things are....

1. My BURRRRFFFDAY is this weekend! (Some of the lovely ladies I am discipling now are trying to teach me the ways of conversation, hence "BURRRFFFDAY" instead of the commonly known "Birthday."  I am a slow learner, but they are patient with me.) I cannot believe I am turning 27 years old. Seriously, I have been a college graduate for years now, been a resident of Illinois, now Memphis, gotten hitched, and now have a sweet little almost 6 month old? 30 is closer than 20 now, I'm gonna embrace it! 

My Tia, precious cousin, and her new little boy are visiting at the beginning of November. I am SOOOOOO excited I can hardly stand it. Lauren and Tia have such a special place in my heart. It has been so wonderful crying together and getting excited together in this motherhood journey with Lauren thus far. I cannot wait to snuggle with her little cutie who is about 3 months younger than Caden! The above pic is one of my favorites, but do not be fooled-though we look very loving in this picture, I was so mean to her at this stage of our lives and it was a VERY rare occasion you could find me in a dress....obviously things have changed!

There are a 100 more things to talk about being excited about (the hubs and me celebrate another wedding anniversary, holidays, New Year's Conference, but those will come later!)

Until next time....


Clarity in the Fog

Brett, Caden, and I just returned from sharing with a baby class about our 5 months of experience. We  previously had been a part of this class last Spring before Caden's arrival and were glad to share  our "wisdom and experience" to the excited couples anxiously awaiting the arrival of their precious little ones. 

 It is official. I have embarked in the season of life of which babies are all around me. It crept up on me.  My friends are having babies, my friends' friends are having babies. I have a baby?!?You cannot get on Facebook without seeing the latest development in any sweet little baby's and proud parent's life. Brett and I are THOSE parents-especially me. We broadcasted him to the world to get the votes for Gerber baby even. (Yep-college scholarship here we come?!?!) We love him so much and are so thankful for the little family God has given us and are CRAZY about this sweet baby boy beyond what we could have imagined. We are happy and joyous, 24/7-so it may seem.  

Behind all the pictures, there is much inexplainable joy yes, it is not a concocted or fake happiness airbrushed onto the pictures...but I can honestly say that I have experienced so many emotions that I had not previously dealt with on this level nor this consistency.  This topic of postpartum blues or emotions or whatever you want to call it IS talked about, but maybe more of a hush-hush issue when prepping for the little ones. In our experience, 9 months of carrying a baby-we learned the importance of preparing in countless ways. You educate yourself on the best products. You choose and "practice" for your ideal method of labor and delivery. (INHALEEEE...1....2.....3....EXHALLLEEEE...1...2...3)You create a baby registry. You pack your hospital bags and maybe even check it twice. You learn about which prenatals to take and the best and worst foods to eat.  You perfect the room and organize it all to the very last finishing touches. (Or in my case, not so organized room!) You get the point. Hardly do people really discuss what to expect postpartum emotionally. (Maybe they do, but was too excited to listen in or prideful to think I would experience it personally?!)  I do not write any of the following to become a "debbie downer" or complain or anything of the sort. I really am striving to believe God has exactly me where He has me and this is His best. I confess I don't wake up everyday believing that. I've got the blues....(Bust out in song here.) They are subsiding I think and I certainly wouldn't trade this time for anything. I just want to acknowledge it-my fear for so many of my friends or family or maybe just the occasional blog follower is that when they are in this wonderful/confusing/wonderful/emotional/wonderful/Ifeellikeacrazyperson/wonderful season is they will feel alone and will be so receptive to believing so many lies about themselves and their present circumstances, like something is wrong with them and then go down the slippery slope of guilt for feeling this way when they have a bundle of joy in their arms. (Run on sentence!)  I have a reputation for being the obnoxiously optimistic personality and I think that is my tendency for sure. However, this past 5 months has been some of the best of times but some of the worst of times in some ways. I am not alone in experiencing these hormonal changes and emotions.  Please don't misinterpret me as excusing somewhat irrational moments and shifting all the blame to emotions, but please hear me say I think it is invaluable to be gracious with yourself during this season if you encounter this struggle. It is very real, and it is okay-so I am learning. I really am thankful for this season-really-I definitely have had moments (and will yet to come) where I have found myself purely in survival mode and desire to have someone rescue me from that difficult moment emotionally...but now that so many friends are having babies and I understand the fullness of what they are experiencing I am beyond grateful that I can speak encouragement into their lives (hopefully) and promise them the Lord is going to carry them through it, and He gives us exactly what we need.  It is okay not to have it together, the truth is you and I never did. The fog just has made me see things a little more clearly. 


Kisses and Laughter

It doesn't get much sweeter than a daddy loving on his baby! :)

It has been awhile....

So, you know when you haven't talked to a friend in a very long time, and it makes it that much harder to pick up the phone and call unless you have a reserved 2+ hours to chat and catch up since the last time you were able...not because you don't want to but because it is almost overwhelming due to all the events which have occurred? I am experiencing this with my blogger friends right about now, seeing as how the last time I posted was June and it seems like so much has taken place since then. I suppose the best way to approach this is a brief little overview of events/thoughts/highlights of the past 2 months....

-Brett, Caden, and I were able to go to the "homeland" to visit with my family and meet with friends and supporters. It was such a refreshing time with my family and so fun to see Caden interact with his cousins for the first time. I think I really cherish this time with my family so much since we are not able to see them that often anymore. I love the simplicity of my hometown and am so thankful for the opportunity to "slow down" and take it all in.

-My sweet friend from college, Amanda married her love, and I was privileged to be in the wedding. Brett and I have both been in so many weddings, but this was the first since Caden man was born and it was a challenge to "juggle" caring for Caden and being in a wedding. Sweet Amanda was super understanding that I was probably the worst bridesmaid ever! She, of course,  was an absolutely stunning bride and her wedding was such a wonderful picture of the Gospel. They are an awesome team and I am excited for their future together.

-My cousin (and MOH of our wedding) had her sweet baby boy! I love him so much already and can't wait to squeeze and love on him! I am so thankful for Lauren and know she is a great mom....I am so excited we get to be first time moms at the same time!

-Little man has grown so much! He is literally off the charts in his height and length...currently weighing 19 lbs at 4 months old...which makes a mommy proud. We have a big and healthy boy! I am so thankful! He is such a sweet blessing from the Lord and I think Brett and I are a whole other level of understanding this. He is so much FUN and a joy to be around. He is constantly cracking us up with all his new sounds and giggles, and rolling over for the first time.

-I feel like I am constantly learning and being reminded of how incompetent I am. (I mean this not in a self-condemning way but just an honest and humbling manner!) It has been hard to see this side of me on another level. Becoming a mom really has been such an amazing yet humbling adventure thus far. I have always had countless imperfections, but I see them so much more now. It is tough at time to see this, but I really do think the Lord is teaching me to depend upon Him instead of trying to be my independent little self. Necessary growing pains I suppose.

-I have been running and working out a lot again. (With the exception of this week!!!) Before I enjoyed it, but a lot of my motivation was just to be in shape and feel healthy, but now it serves more as a special getaway to think, re-energize, and relieve stress. Pregnancy can get a girl out of shape though!

-I was able to help host a baby shower for a sweet friend here in Memphis. Her sweet little baby (and Caden's future best friend:) is due in October and I am SO excited for him to be here! Now that I have a baby and have gone through the whole experience of labor and delivery it makes me so much more excited at baby showers and when friends are prego. Such a wonderful miracle!

-School is back in session! With the launch of the school year means BUSSSSSSYYYYY days for the hubs. I am so excited about how God has and is going to work in so many lives this year and thankful he allows Brett and I to be a part of it. HOWEVER, I will say this year has been really tough on me already because I am used to being "in the game" with Brett, meaning helping new students move in, attend all of the events, etc. and this year I'm sitting on the sidelines for most of these things for obvious and good reasons. Though this be the case, I still have struggled a lot with figuring out my role and having a supportive and loving attitude if Brett is out late with a special event, etc. I have to remind myself I am still "in the game" but it just looks different than before. I know this is for a season, but for one who likes to be in the middle of things, I have struggled. I know God is teaching me things through it, but not sure the extent of it quite yet. I am so thankful though for the reason I am not as active on the campus as years past, as I do have the incredible responsibility of loving on sweet little man.

-Currently, I am going through the book of Hosea with a friend and also reading (slowly) THE ALLURE OF HOPE. I did not intend to have a 'theme' going on here, but I can see a correlation between them....God's pursuit of our heart. I really want to understand this on a deeper level than ever before. How much would I be transformed if I really could grasp even a tiny amount of the incredible love my Savior has for me and the fullest extent to which He pursued my heart?

There has been SO much more happen since we last "talked" the moment I cannot currently think of much more until next time!


Road Tripin' to Orlando-Orlando Project '12

Last week, Brett, Caden, and I packed up and drove to Orlando for our first road trip together since Caden was born. No, it was not a vacation, though it was refueling once we arrived. Caden was such a good traveler, but it was a hard trip for the little guy and therefore a hard trip for daddy and mommy needing to stop every 2.5ish hours to feed, change, and cuddle with the little guy.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the specifics of our lives, we have an uncommon and honestly, odd lifestyle to some. I say this in part because most summers, we spend a great portion of the summer away from our home and live out of a hotel room along with other staff and 50-150ish students depending upon which summer project location it is. Summer projects are a huge part of Campus Outreach ministry...and both as a student and now staff, I love it! Basically, the summer project is a ten week "training opportunity" designed to help students grow in their relationship with God. Throughout the week, students from various college campuses work at Universal Studios, Chick-Fil-A, or SeaWorld throughout the day and at night take part in rallies, learn how to share their faith, study the Bible, live in community with other believers, and just have a lot of fun! It honestly is very hard to describe the specifics of the Orlando Project in a way that encompasses how truly challenging, encouraging, and difficult the summer is. From personal experience, when I was a student at Tennessee Tech, I attended the Summer Mountain Project in Gatlinburg, TN and hung out with Dolly Parton at Dollywood (I actually never even saw her) for the first time the summer after my junior year. It really was a turning point in my relationship with Christ and the vision I desire I had been blessed to have a relationship with Christ for years at this point, but really wanted to experience deeper intimacy personally as well as learn more how to share my faith with others for the rest of my life, not just in the college environment.  The decision to go that first summer really impacted so many later decisions, which I wouldn't trade for anything. For this reason, I get so excited when college guys and girls make the decision to step out of their comfort zones and make an investment into their future which is out of the norm for most college students choice of summer vacations.

This summer is obviously very different for us, as we stayed at home for the first time in a very long time it seems. It has been so good to slow down a little bit to transition and focus on taking care of Caden, but we definitely miss Orlando Project this year. For me specifically, our visit consisted a lot of me hanging out in the hotel room with Caden and some friends who are at project since Caden is still so young and susceptible to stuff. Nonetheless, we were glad to be able to go visit the project and be encouraged by how God is working in the lives of students of all different backgrounds...and thus dream of how the places they return post project will be impacted by individual lives resolved to live for something bigger than themselves.

To follow this year's OP happenings-check out

Caden swimming with the sharks in FL!

My first Summer Mountain Project as a student, along with my college discipleship group.


Caden: 1 month old!

Hard to believe our sweet little man is already a month old! People have told me on several occasions to enjoy this time because it would fly by-and it most certainly has. I know it is going to only go more quickly in the future. It seems like just yesterday Brett and I were texting/calling friends and family to let them know Caden was making an entrance. WE ARE SO IN LOVE WITH THIS LITTLE GUY! Life has changed drastically....

-Taking a shower is an accomplishment
-My house always looks like a tornado hit it
-Spit up has become my new accessory
-Clothes just don't fit the same
-Sleep...well it is overrated
-Any trip is an adventure now

and we are MORE than okay with it!

Some of Caden's favorite things:

-observing (especially a specific wedding pic of daddy and mommy framed on the wall)
-his swing
-being awake at nighttime....
-going on walks
-the moby wrap

Until next time!

Love those cheeks!

Max insisted on his own photo shoot...


Introducing Baby Caden!

I am so excited to introduce you to a very special little man in my life-Caden Brett Wynne! After 9 months of carrying the little guy, I was more than happy to deliver him a week early! God has been so gracious with us in countless ways, one of which being the delivery story.

The condensed story is this: I had been doing basically every thing that are supposed natural labor inducers-drinking special organic tea, walking up a storm with Brett and Max our dog (poor little pup didn't have as much energy as we thought!), stability ball exercises, etc. Obviously, I recognize that God would bring Caden exactly when He desired him to come into the world but walking always is a good form of exercise! :) This past Thursday, April 26th, Brett and I went to good ole' Central BBQ with some friends who recently moved from Memphis and wanted to satisfy the famous BBQ craving...and during this time I started feeling what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions...and they kept on coming and kept on coming, but as much as people say you "know" when you are going into labor-I'm a skeptic. Hours later when they hadn't progressed in pain level, but didn't neccesarily subside we decided to call the hospital to see if it was worth us coming in. The doctor told me since I was able to talk I probably was only experiencing Braxton Hicks or VERY early stages so we decided to hang out at the house and rest. Around 2 AM that morning, they still were coming on strong and rest was not an option so Brett made the decision for us to go to the hospital despite what the doctor had said. I was hesitant because I didn't want to go and be told I had an extremely low pain tolerance and then sent home. Well, fortunately there was no returning home until days later because by the time we got to the hospital I was VERY far along and Brett and I became so excited at what lay before us. A few hours into the labor and delivery process,  I was pushing and THIRTY minutes later we we were welcoming our sweet baby boy into our arms for the first time. What an indescribable moment for Brett and I to share in! We were quickly reminded that all the anticipation, naseau, weight gain, and preparation of the previous months were of course worth it all to become stewards of this precious gift. Sweet baby Caden was born on April 27th (a week prior to his due date)at 8:58 AM weighing in at 8 lb 7 oz and 20.5 inches!

While in the hospital, we opted to welcome visitors and we were so encouraged and loved by the MANY friends and family that were eager to meet and love on our baby boy. Brett and I were so encouraged to know already that we aren't the only ones who will be loving, praying, and caring for Caden!

It amazed me and still is amazing me (I realize I am very early into this whole mommy stuff, so I might be disillusioned) how God is giving us the grace to step up to this incredible and somewhat overwhelming responsibility of caring for a tiny and vulnerable little human being. I have definitely already shed a few (okay-maybe QUITE a few tears) in moments where I felt helpless to soothe or care for him. I know there will be more to come, but Brett and I laughed the other night or morning or whenever it realizing we were excited at poopy diapers and interrupted sleep. Things are definitely changing and we couldn't be more thankful.

Brett holding him for the first time!

After his first bath in the hospital

Going home sweet home!

Proud parents!

Love this picture my friend Kat took!

Caden opted out of tummy time, but so precious!



Living for the "next thing?"

 Warning: Most 26 and 28 year olds speak in seasons, but Brett and I speak according to the college calendar because we work in the college ministry world. So, as this semester comes to a close, I see how easy it is for the girls I lead to begin wishing away and hoping for the "next thing", which just so happens to be summer break, and for many of them a summer opportunity at Orlando Project or overseas.  I can join with them feeling tired and being ready for the "next thing." Today, we went to our 38 week appointment to see if there were any signs of Caden to be seen and there weren't. Immediately, I was disappointed as I want to meet and hold sweet baby boy...and to not be pregnant anymore if I am honest with you! Our hearts are such fickle things that we would desire to rush through each day just to get to the next thing, instead of enjoying Him and all the gifts He gives us that specific day.

Today, I chose to pick up an old devotional book from when I was living in Peoria and meeting with several women from my staff team to discuss. Here is the easy read-I would highly recommend. Through reading through this supplemental book and reading through God's Word I was highly encouraged to remember this simple truth....

  "If we focus our thoughts on looking only at what we hope tomorrow will bring, we will miss all the pleasures of today."

Just a little thought for the day...I think discontentment lies in thinking ahead to the "next thing" and believing THEN you will be satisfied or content. Though easy to believe, the grass is NOT greener on the other side, but we are given so many gifts (even if they do not same as such) here and now and wishing away the NOW means wishing these away.

P.S. Rookie blogger mistake! This was written a few days ago, but I saved it instead of publishing by accident. Oops! :)

Heart Check!

"If I should suffer need, and go unclothed, and be in poverty, make my heart PRIZE THY LOVE, KNOW IT, and BE CONSTRAINED BY IT, though I be denied all blessings."

The following is an excerpt from a book of prayers called The Valley of Vision. I sometimes find it hard to interpret the old English "thees and thous" but once I understand the meaning behind these eloquent and convicting prayers written, I am spurred on and challenged deeply.  I would highly recommend this as a supplement in their time alone with God. This particular selection really spurred me on in my devotional time recently and led me to evaluate 3 three things about my heart:

1. Do I prize Christ's love?
2. Do I know His love?
3. Am I constrained by His love? matter what?

1. Do I prize Christ's love?

Several parts of Scripture come to mind when I think about prizing His love-Jeremiah 9:23-24 and Jeremiah 5:16 are a few starters. I tried to think of what it means to prize His love and began to think about what it means for me to prize anything. The first thing which comes to my mind is treasure....which then leads me to also think about the parable of the treasure hidden in the field...where a guy finds it and goes and sells everything he had to buy the whole field. The implication of prizing His love to me is...

-Considering it more wonderful and desirable than anything the world offers.
-Considering His love continually-both intentionally and unintentionally. I think intentionally so means to make radical decisions in light of prizing Him more deeply, such as intentional time spent alone with Him, etc.

I will be the first to admit, my life and heart do not always reflect these!

2. Do I know His love?

I have heard it said that God's Word is a love letter written to us and I would agree. You see His love demonstrated from Genesis to Revelation. Specifically 1 John speaks of His love and tells me that He IS love...the very definition of the word. Love is loving someone even when they can't or don't love you back and I see this demonstrated in fullness in Christ Jesus. What incredible love that He would send His Son to take on the punishment for MY sin. I was not looking for Him or living for Him, when He gripped my heart and I entered into this love relationship at a younger age. I have been seeking to understand, receive, and give back ever since. Though this be the case, I find myself often complacent and thankless, taking for granted the reality of this unconditional love.

3. Am I constrained by His love? 

The definition of constrained is "forced, compelled, or obliged" according to  These synonyms almost have a negative connotation at first glance, but the more I think about and understand the meaning, I am encouraged. Recently I have been thinking about and talking to others about what it means to be constrained or compelled by His love. Brett and I are knee-deep in ministry, and it often seems hard to separate vocation and duty from operating out of the overflow of a heart captured by Christ's love. We want to simply operate out of the overflow of His love, but it is certainly difficult at times! However, I truly am convinced the more intimacy I experience with Him, the more I know Him and have deep and real communion with Him...are the times when I most deeply and genuinely desire to make Him known, AND experience fullness of joy. This being said, I am not "forced" in a derogatory sense as the definition implies, but in a gripped and overcome by Him sense.

I really do think this is the secret to avoid burnout. I want to join with this person in prayer for us that we would prize, know, and be constrained by God's love in the midst of whatever may come.

"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God..." -1 John 3:1

"In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son unto world, so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." -1 John 4:9-10


Welcoming myself to blogger land...

Welcome to my blog! I have decided to re-enter into the world of blogging for several reasons...the top reason being I have lived in several places and am blessed with many friends and family who unfortunately do not live nearby and I hope to be faithful to update even from a distance! Secondly, I hope to encourage any readers (even if it is only my mom!) with Psalm 16:6 as my foundation verse. Life is always changing for all people I realize, and one of the greatest temptations is for women to adopt the "grass is greener on the other side" mentality. Though this is far from the truth, I can easily believe it as well in this ever changing life. I hope to map out my journey of claiming the Truth that God has individually given us a beautiful inheritance....He has placed me exactly where He has me for such a time as this...and hope to encourage you (whoever you may be) along the way.

For those of you who I do not know so well or maybe are in need of an update, here is a quick catch-up of the past few years....

I graduated from Tennessee Tech University as an elementary education major, but gladly accepted a job with Campus Outreach staff ministering to college students at TTU for one year and then was taken to Peoria, IL at Bradley University. I loved all of the opportunities, people, and lessons God allowed me to encounter post-graduation and wasn't looking to "settle down" as some may say, but God had other plans for my life and though unexpected, I was very glad to embrace the new chapter which would lead me to marrying Brett, moving to Memphis, and soon becoming a mother. To say the least-everything about the past 2 years since Brett and I have been married is a 'fast track' but I wouldn't have it any other way. Since November 20, 2010 we have...

-been married
-traveled a lot! 
-bought a house
-experienced job change
-become pregnant with a sweet baby boy
-the list goes on...

My sweet roommates in Peoria, IL.
Brett and I at our engagement party moments after he popped the question.

Our wedding day! 

Riviera Maya, Mexico

Proud homeowners!

Pregnancy announcement :)

Waiting on Baby Caden!
